i guess i just missed the waythe
sunlight shined against the snowforts
how the bright white flowed into my eyes
passes right through us
right through


just enough:

waiting for a hello
across the starmaps
across the diner napkins
etched with toast crumbs
and apple butter prints
power outages had me
darkness saturated
looking for a tiny light
to understand
whether my eyes
are open or my eyes
are closed
i've a lantern
and some boiled water
for tea won't you
won't you make it
back to me...


whispers that i hope you hear...

found your voice next to half open pages, half studied formulas, my brain aching
for a distraction, for a high note, for a melody to carry you here, to where you
be next to me, lying pillow-wise starry eyelids and this,
a symphony,
[you know i love you know i love you know that i, shhh]
here, do say so, with feeling i.
i know not forgot just misplaced for time being for better easier time fitting here your voice i hear gets me through brings me to,
i know not much longer i know always i will wait bridgewise and lifetimes
[i know this we understand]


and bang just like that
just like
just that,
groundcover snowfall awaken to powdery lightshades and slushy underfoot
snowday for two to button up and keep eyes open for snowflake patterns in palmfolds
fireplace to cocoa as scarves to mittens.


where does one start except that i wish to be done with the beginning
and then i will know how to become paper dots for the ending
why does the morning trickle trickle down into the pinhole camera of afternoon frostbite
leaving me gripping the sides of the buildings waiting for the cracks in the ceiling to notice
i miss am missed amiss and this this has been screaming underfoot to tread on watched asphalt stones
slithering clear blue skies cowering inside those clouds you too dim to taste thinly spread like honeyjam
over our whole wheat throw hands; ah ah achoo the winter is coming full force full for the only listened thrice
one for the ones who least expect
two for the ones that luck has hastened
three for the ones with a smile and a kick for the rest...


just another lightstorm

the big bang has started again
thunder rattling the windows mentioning to me that i, although alone, cannot be as long as the moon is half, half what i do not know but i , the voyeur like to guess mosttimes.
weary and hungover breathing the heat escape from the two aem mug creaking along the wooden tables scratched with circles of spilt conversations fingers trying to catch the teabag string
waiting waiting for the breakthrough waiting for a meeting of the corners inbetween the coffee shops between the lingering drops below the umbrella nights i, patient, lay under stars curling up between the blanket lines...



quick, don't flinch newscasters casting glances along overgrown apartments the people run up as if icecream jingle got there first i'd like a snocone, pushup pullup the fallen leaves footwise how the branches crowd & the shadows surround they've pulled the payphones from the walls to see how loud the quarters clash about the ground there's bones in bucketsfull third floor second window reminds me schooldays but now it's new beginning age range climbing gimme under the microscope i've seven more fingers to prick/