whispers that i hope you hear...

found your voice next to half open pages, half studied formulas, my brain aching
for a distraction, for a high note, for a melody to carry you here, to where you
be next to me, lying pillow-wise starry eyelids and this,
a symphony,
[you know i love you know i love you know that i, shhh]
here, do say so, with feeling i.
i know not forgot just misplaced for time being for better easier time fitting here your voice i hear gets me through brings me to,
i know not much longer i know always i will wait bridgewise and lifetimes
[i know this we understand]

1 ink scraps:

Blogger tieko scribbled...

i pause for refraction, smile as reaction tips my toes and carrys me over to the place where the month has slipped away and is out and gone and bam right in the kiss her and oh how my stomach aches and this skin burns and needs a snow patch a soft patch, great heights and the letters adhered to light plates and tap once for yes and twice for know..
so keep well mr.mysteriouso cause there is something about the winter that keeps us in attics but that moment before spring slips mashes our toes into hulloa love, misplaced..

1:35 PM, December 11, 2006  

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