just another lightstorm

the big bang has started again
thunder rattling the windows mentioning to me that i, although alone, cannot be as long as the moon is half, half what i do not know but i , the voyeur like to guess mosttimes.
weary and hungover breathing the heat escape from the two aem mug creaking along the wooden tables scratched with circles of spilt conversations fingers trying to catch the teabag string
waiting waiting for the breakthrough waiting for a meeting of the corners inbetween the coffee shops between the lingering drops below the umbrella nights i, patient, lay under stars curling up between the blanket lines...

1 ink scraps:

Blogger tieko scribbled...

never alone when stars shine, though the moon waxes and wanes and disappears into the cloud cover.
moments slip into minutes into weeks into i am begging for two quarters for a connection and half hope that those 777 777 7777 numbers crossed my phone screen were rings of a half typed napkin ring.... all my love, weeks almost out...

4:20 PM, November 24, 2006  

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