just enough:

waiting for a hello
across the starmaps
across the diner napkins
etched with toast crumbs
and apple butter prints
power outages had me
darkness saturated
looking for a tiny light
to understand
whether my eyes
are open or my eyes
are closed
i've a lantern
and some boiled water
for tea won't you
won't you make it
back to me...


whispers that i hope you hear...

found your voice next to half open pages, half studied formulas, my brain aching
for a distraction, for a high note, for a melody to carry you here, to where you
be next to me, lying pillow-wise starry eyelids and this,
a symphony,
[you know i love you know i love you know that i, shhh]
here, do say so, with feeling i.
i know not forgot just misplaced for time being for better easier time fitting here your voice i hear gets me through brings me to,
i know not much longer i know always i will wait bridgewise and lifetimes
[i know this we understand]